The Lantern Gala

Resources for Men

Overcoming pornography addiction is a significant challenge, and seeking faith-based resources can provide spiritual support and guidance. Here are some reputable Christian resources tailored for men:


  1. Covenant Eyes: Offers accountability software and educational resources to help individuals overcome pornography addiction. Covenant Eyes

  2. Pure Desire Ministries: Provides counseling, group resources, and educational materials aimed at sexual purity and healing. Pure Desire Ministries

  3. XXXchurch: A ministry dedicated to helping individuals break free from pornography through online resources, support groups, and accountability tools. XXXchurch


  1. “Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time” by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker: This book offers biblical strategies and practical advice for men striving for sexual integrity. Every Man’s Battle

  2. “At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry” by Steve Gallagher: Explores the roots of sexual addiction and provides a path to freedom through a relationship with God. At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry

  3. “Clean: A Proven Plan for Men Committed to Sexual Integrity” by Dr. Douglas Weiss: Offers a comprehensive guide to achieving and maintaining sexual purity. Clean

Courses and Support Groups:

  1. Conquer Series: A cinematic teaching series that addresses the root causes of pornography addiction and offers practical tools for recovery. Conquer Series

  2. Celebrate Recovery: A Christ-centered 12-step program for various addictions, including pornography, with support groups nationwide. Celebrate Recovery

  3. Samson Society: A fellowship of Christian men who support each other in overcoming sexual brokenness through honesty and accountability. Samson Society


  1. Covenant Eyes: Provides internet accountability and filtering software to help monitor online activity and foster accountability. Covenant Eyes

  2. Ever Accountable: An accountability app that monitors device activity and sends reports to chosen accountability partners. Ever Accountable

  3. Accountable2You: Offers accountability software with real-time reporting and customizable monitoring features. Accountable2You