What is a tech contract?
A tech contract is a simple teaching tool for parents to help engage their kids and talk about the seriousness of having internet ready devices and help them understand the weight of the responsibility and the real world consequences for breaking these rules.
Before even discussing a tech contract, you should figure out if you feel your child is even ready for a device…We have 10 Questions to Guide Parents
Why should I have tech contract?
If YOU – (not your child) feel they are ready for a smartphone, a tech contract is a great way to talk about online safety, the potential dangers and the importance of open, ongoing communication around the device and your child’s digital life.
Use the template provided to begin the conversation! A tech contract will help your kids understand the need for self-control and all that comes with an increase in responsibility. This will show them that there are consequences when contracts are broken (and you MUST enforce whatever consequences you set for breaking the rules – no phone for 1 week is always pretty effective) and help them learn that you mean what you say.
Click the image below to get started and please let us know how your conversation goes!